Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Slater, Mr. & Mrs. Barry and Harry & Julia Martin - 1940 (ca.) - Group Shot
From left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Barry Slater and Harry and Julia Martin, who lived at 3626 S. Logan.
Slater, Mrs. Barry - 1941
A photo of Mrs. Barry Slater.
Smilanic, Robert - 1956
A photo of Robert Smilanic.
Smiley, Shirley - 1957
A photo of Shirley Smiley.
Smith, Bill - 1957
A photo of Bill J. Smith.
Smith, Karen - 1957
A photo of Karen Smith.
Smith, Trudy - 1959 - Installed as President of Jaycee-Ettes.
Trudy Smith of 4661 S. Cherokee was installed as the new president of Jaycee-Ettes.
Smyth, Bill - 1963 - Englewood Photographer installed as President of Arapahoe Sertoma Club
Bill Smyth, an Englewood photographer, was installed as president of the Arapahoe Sertome Club.
Snowbarger, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. - 1963 - 60th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Snowbarger of 800 W. Oxford Ave. celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.
Snowstorm in November 1946 - Woman Shoveling
A woman shovels a path after a snowstorm in November of 1946.
Snowstorm of 1913 - Clearing Street Car Tracks
Clearing the street car tracks on South Broadway after the 1913 snowstorm.
Snowstorm of 1913 - Downtown Englewood
A view of downtown Englewood after the snowstorm of 1913.
