Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Aerial Photography - Englewood, Colorado
View to northeast. Park Floral greenhouses in center.
Aerial Photography - View of Englewood Reservoir
Englewood Reservoir looking east toward Broadway. South of the reservoir is the present site of Belleview park. [Angle street to right is Kenyon. Winding street, top to bottom is Mariposa. City Ditch Flume near top left.]
Albee, Lou - 1959 - named Advertising Manager at Norgren Company
Lou Albee was named Advertising Manager of the Norgren Company.
Alcove's Carpets and Draperies - 1950 (ca.) - 3498 S Broadway
M-D Drug moved into Tom Sullivan's Pioneer Theater building when Tom died. Ozzie Miller & Truman Davis bought the Theater building and Alcove's Carpet & Drapery moved into the corner and stayed until 1970.
Alcove's Carpets and Draperies - 1959 - 3498 S Broadway
M-D Drug moved into Tom Sullivans' Pioneer Theater building when Tom died. Ozzie Miller & Turman Davis bought the theater building and Alcove's moved into the corner and stayed until 1970. The view is to the east down Hampden.
Alexander Aircraft Company - 1920s (ca.) - Eaglerock biplane
One of the Eaglerock biplanes that was manufactured at the Alexander Aircraft Company.
Alexander Aircraft Company - 1925 (ca.)
This building burned in the 1928 fire at Alexander Industries.
Alexander Aircraft Company - 1925 (ca.) - First Eaglerock bi-plane
This was the first Eaglerock built in Englewood.
Alexander Aircraft Company - 1926 - Art Department Interior
Alexander Aircraft Company's art department. Here the Eaglerock trademark was painted on the rudders for the aircraft manufactured in the plant.
Alexander Aircraft Company - 1926 - Hanger
The Alexander Aircraft Company hanger in Englewood.
