Festivities held in 1957 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Grand Junction’s founding. It was organized by the Grand Junction Festival Company. Different events were held as part of the commemoration. In his oral history interview, radio broadcaster Robert “Bob” Collins recalls that he and three other men, including Paul Strout and Hank Vogt, dressed up like Doc Holiday and staged gunfights on Main Street against Audrey Thrailkill, Bill Jarvis, Nate Liff and others. According to John Goulet, the gun fights happened every day at Noon at 5th and Main Streets.
The festivities included a parade with marching bands and a pageant in Lincoln Park. One of the marching bands was composed of US Marine paratroopers.
The Diamond Jubilee also apparently hosted “movie people,” including George Murphy, Doris Tucker, and Lillian Gish.