Taken from the 1938 "Lux Aquilae" yearbook: "Love Pirates of Hawaii," an operetta in two acts, was presented by the high school glee club on Friday evening, March 11, 1938.
A ladies seminary was the scene for both acts.
The stage was arranged so as to represent an Hawaiian Island. Tropical scenery decorated the stage.
From left to right: Pauline Clark, Marian Ross, Jean Allen, ? (behind Jean), Dolly Webb, Bennie Meehan, Betty Howland, Marguerite Koonce, Rosemary Ginther (behind and left of Marguerite), Alma Oleson (behind and right of Marguerite), Margaret Aldred, Margie Stein, ?, Gertrude Nimon, Velma Dorn, ?, Ethel Mary Macdonell (far back), Shirley Cox, Marjorie Aldred, Daisy Highes, and ?.