"The first school on the Conger Mesa was held in a small cabin on the Schrupp ranch in 1911. The second one was held in this log house built by John Conger in 1892 and abandoned by him a few years later. The building was none too warm and the school furnishings crude but after seven years without a school, no one complained. The building served as a school until a frame building was built in a more central location in 1916.
In the fall of 1912 when this picture was taken, the school term was only three months, but that was a lot better than none at all. Attending that year were, from left to right, Lena Schrupp, Marie Theisen, Emma Theisen, Ethel Gray, John Ambos, Katherine Ebert, Kate Pound (the teacher), Mary Ebert, Emma Schrupp, Cecil Gray and Ed Schrupp. The Conger cabin, no longer in existance was located about 250 yards north of what is now the Raymond Horn house." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 42
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]