The aftermath of an automobile accident at the Ruth Nimon ranch east of Eagle. Photo developed July 3, 1939, Ping's Station.
"Joseph S. Elliott, 75, his wife and her brother, Clyde Porterfield, were all more or less injured Monday evening then their Studebaker sedan car overturned on the state highway one mile east of Eagle, and pinned the occupants under the car. ...
Just opposite the farm house on the Ruth Nimon ranch, the rear axel on the right hand side of Elliott's car broke, losing the wheel. The car was instantly out of control, veered across the highway and into the barpit on the left hand side of the road, turned over on its top, pinning Mr. Elliott under the car. ...
In the absence of both of the town's doctors at the time, Nurse Grace Eaton was called and administered first aid to the injured. Dr. Knepper of Gilman was called by telephone and came to the scene. He had the injured people taken to Dr. Porter's hospital in Glenwood Springs, and they were transported there by Paul Andre in his ambulance." -- Eagle Valley Enterprise, July 7, 1939 p.1