Deb Dice Stewart drew this map to commemorate the 2008 reprinting of her grandmother's book, "A Cup of Cold Clear Water" by Helen Dice. The Dice family was one of the first to homestead along Brush Creek at a time when pioneers were still making their way to the area. The map features ranches, family names, and some geographic features and are detailed closely in Dice's book.
"As you drive up Brush Creek now, one wonders at all the changes developers have made to the land. Brush Creek was once a group of close knit families and ranches who worked hard, lived, laughed, raised families, and appreciated the bounty of this wonderful valley. This close knit family community is no more. [...] Look for the clumps of wild roses growing along the road and in the fields. As you see them- note they were part of a family homestead long ago. let these roses and memory stories from this book fuel your imagination of a time long ago when life was so precious and full." - Debera Dice Stewart, granddaughter of Helen Dice (2009).