The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Conger Mesa
Conger Mesa looking southwest from Sawmill Mountain.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Conger Mesa
"Conger Mesa looking west to King Mt., September 1958."
Conger Mesa
The upper end of Conger Mesa showing the crater as viewed from Tunnel 49.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Conger Mesa
View looking southwest from the Black Mountain Ranch in the direction of Castle Peak.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Conger Mesa
"The upper part of the Conger Mesa, looking south-east and across Rock Creek Canyon, From Volcano Ridge. Taken in 1919, it shows the Ebert, Ambos, Johannbroer, Theisen, Abbett and a portion of the Schomers place on the extreme right. Before settlement, a well defined Ute Indian trail crossed over the Mesa from Egeria Park to the Blue River, by way of Yarmony Park. Notice the Crater before its exploitation by commerical interests." McCoy Memoirs, p.215
"Conger Mesa was named for John Conger, one of a party of three, who in 1890 settled a sagebrush tract in South Routt County, a few miles northeast of McCoy. The other two men were J. Baker and Xavier Benoit.
Conger and Baker made the necessary homestead improvements and received the patents for their claims but there is no record now in existence of the Benoit claim. ... They had no irrigation system which so many learned, to their sorrow, in Colorado's semi-arid land is a must. This was no doubt the reason that these early settlers chose to leave their homesteads and move on." --John Ambos in: McCoy Memories, p. 215-216
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.], Dupe 1992.004B.001
Conger Mesa
Congor Mesa looking east from Tunnel 49. Train at midfield. Photo date is 1924; Album 1 index date is 1936.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Conger Mesa Ditch crew
The Conger Mesa Ditch crew, lined up and ready for work in 1922. They are standing in front of their horses holding shovels; a dog is at far right. From Left: Ed Schrupp, Martin Theisen, Warren Henry, Martin Schomers, Joe Tuyls.
Conger Mesa School
Students and teacher at Conger Mesa School, December 1912.
From left, Marie Theisen, Ed Schrupp, Cecil Gray, Emma Theisen, Katherine Ebert, John Ambos, Mary Ebert, Kate Pound (teacher), Ethel Gray, Lena and Emma Schrupp.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]