The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Dorris, Sonny, and Ray Johnson
Dorris, Sonny, and Ray Johnson pose for a picture in 1943. Dorris and Ray are holding deer mounts. Dorris is also dressed in his World War II uniform.
Dotsero School
Class photograph taken for the schoolyear 1932-1933. Myrtle Hockett was the teacher. George Yost, pictured here, was in 3rd grade at the time.
The first row, left to right: Phillyis Sontag, George Yost, Betty Jo Yost, Alfreda Yost, and "Tibbits boy"(?)
Back row, left to right: Roger Hoyt, Savage, Alice Sontag, Curtis and Bill Tibbits.