The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
E. J. Bess
E. J. Bess stands near the Bess family home after a day of fishing. Several trout are hung on a line. The Bess family dog is sitting next to E. J. Taken around 1910.
E. J. Bess
E. J. Bess drives a team of horses near the Bess family home in Ruedi. The family dog is sitting beside her in the buggy. Taken in 1907.
E. J. Bess
E. J. Bess stands near a log cabin at Ruedi. Taken around 1910.
E. J. Bess with friend
E. J. Bess (left) sits with the family dog and a friend at the Bess family home in Ruedi. Taken around 1910.
E. Nogal and Anthony Sneve
"E. Nogal, Sneeve" [verso caption]
Should this caption be correct, we are looking at Edgar or Ernie [Arthur Earnest] Nogal holding the burro's reins. Charles and Rosetta Metheny Nogal, parents of these two, were early pioneers in Eagle in the late 1800s.
"Sneeve" might be Anthony Sneve, born in 1860 in Norway, who was the homesteader on the West Brush Creek ranch that is now Sylvan Lake State Park. Sneve was "fastidious in his manners and his person. ... Locals remember that Sneve would 'tog up' in suitable finery for his trips to Denver." -- A History of Sylvan Lake State Park, by Kathy Heicher, p. 17. [978.844 H4653]
The burro remains unidentified.
EHS Senior Class Play 1938
The cast of the 1938 Eagle High School senior class play, "bashful Mr. Bobbs," lined up on stage. The photo was used in Lux Aquilae 1938 [school yearbook].
From left, "Margaret Aldred, Marjorie Aldred, Dolly Webb, Donald Webb, Carolyn Quick, Donald Knupp, Marian Redmond, Jim Isabell, Velma Dorn, Daisy Hughes, Marion Mosher.
The senior play, "Bashful Mr. Bobbs," a three-act farce, was given Friday April 29, in the school auditorium. Eleven seniors took part, directed by Miss Wilson."