Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Family picnic
Members of the Allen and Hart families gather for a picnic at Gold Park in 1925. Standing left to right: Ben Hart, Helen Hart Allen, May Hart, Leah Allen Sitting left to right: Joe Allen, "Pal" the dog, Jean Allen
Family picnic
Left to right: Arthur Guy, Sr, Hugh Young, Loretta (Young) Guy, Nellie Young, and Arthur Guy, Jr. stand in front of a vehicle while on a picnic outing. Loretta was the daughter of Hugh and Nellie Young. Nellie is holding her grandson, Arthur Guy, Jr.
Family visit on Bellyache
Emma and Joe Edwards' homestead cabin on Bellyache Mountain. Emma is holding Little Joe, born in 1924. Seated in front of her are Mamie Miller, Emma's mother, and Clementine Bethel, Mamie's mother. The Bethels were visiting from Kansas. Wash tubs and baskets are in the background.
Fancy Pass
Fancy Pass in the Holy Cross Mining District. The Mt. of the Holy Cross is marked with an x. Verso: "Fancy Pass, head of Cross Creek looking down toward Mt. of the Holy Cross" "Beyond the first hill, the Fancy Pass trail climbs up the hillside above Fancy Lake. On the top, the rocky cut is Fancy Pass, a nineteenth-century crossing that was named for Joseph Fancy, a prospector active in the Holy Cross country in the early 1880's. Originally, Fancy Pass was a knifelike ridge. Dynamite blased the cut in the ridge, thus making a crossing possible. Incredible as it may seem, the Treasure Vault mill was hauled to Holy Cross City across this remote pass." --Robert Brown, Holy Cross--the Mountain and the City, p. 146 There is conflicting information about the location of this photo, as noted by a user in February of 2017. Others have noted that this is actually Upper Cross Creek valley, viewing NNE.
