Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Fannie B. Mount
Marker for Fannie B. Mount, "In memory of mother," 1871-1958, in Fairview Cemetery. Flower arrangement engraved upper left corner of stone., JoAnn Riggle Potter
Fannie Morgan
Fannie Morgan (Mrs. William) who sold dry goods at the "Serve-U" Dress Shop, Eagle, Colorado, which she owned. Mrs. Morgan wears a hat with a feather, tucked blouse and jacket in this studio portrait. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Farming equipment at Borah ranch
Old farm equipment placed near Gypsum Creek at L. J. Borah's ranch. Taken in 1979.
