The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Frank W. Groh
Marker for: "Frank W. Groh, 1901--1985," in the McCoy Cemetery., JoAnn Potter Riggle Collection
Frank Zupon Cabin
"This sturdy built homestead cabin two miles north east of Volcano was put up by Frank Zupon, a semi-recluse, who made it his home from 1920 to 1936." -- McCoy Memoirs, p.306
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Frank and Elizabeth (Menzies) George
Frank George, son of Charity Elizabeth "Libby" (Forster) George, and his second wife, Elizabeth "Bessie" (Menzies) George. They're standing on the front porch of a house. Frank and Elizabeth were married soon after the death of his first wife, Rowena (walker) George, who passed away in 1917.
Franklin Doll
Marker for "Father, Franklin Doll, 1851 -- 1940, Cedar Hill Cemetery.