The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Guy Barnes hauling hay
Guy Barnes hauling hay with a team of horses and wagon.
"Guy Barnes was hired as a herdsman by a man named Andrew Christiansen. Mr. Christiansen raised Hereford cattle and needed someone to help with caring for the cattle. Mr. Barnes cared for the cattle on Mr. Christiansen's land in town during the Winter but during the late Spring, Summer and early Fall, Barne's job took him to Mr. Christiansen's cattle on pasture eleven miles North of town." -- Homestead Days in Colorado, p.1
Guy Barnes holding Boyd
Guy Barnes holding Boyd on the back of a sheep in front of the barn on the Castle homestead. Eventually, Barnes got rid of his cattle and sheep herds and leased the pastures to others. To supplement his income, he worked for Holy Cross Electric and worked on the construction of Highway 6 & 24.
Gwen Jude
School photograph of Gwen Jude, 1945-1946 school year (Red Cliff Union High School)