The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Hiking near Ruedi
Celia Bess (left) and E. J. Bess (middle) hike near Ruedi with another resident of Ruedi (right).
Hiking trip
Members of the Allen and Hart families take a hiking trip in the 1930s.
From left to right: Helen Hart Allen, Joyce Hart, Katherine Allen, Joe Allen.
Hill ranch on Lake Creek
"Hill ranch on Lake Creek" - caption from Edwards School Scrapbook, page 14. The scrapbook was completed as a youth citizens' league project between 1954-1955.
The foreground appears to be a hay or alfalfa field with several piles cut and piled in rows (one is in clear view in the bottom right corner). There is a building or home at center left; another home can be seen (colored white) beyond the first building as well.