The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Hunter's camp
A hunter's camp, set up by Alfred and Jake Borah. Taken in the 1880s. From left to right: Alfred Borah, Jake Borah, ?, Mr. Luke. All four men are holding hunting rifles. This is a stereoscopic view, which when viewed through a stereoscope, gives the image a 3D effect.
"Alfred Borah shooting. Jacob Borah his brother by tent. The other two I have no record of, friends of Fathers. Mr. Luke sitting down. I am 91 Dec 4, 1984. I can remember my father telling me about this picture." -- Alda Borah
Bill Luby (left) and Holly Brooks posing with deer heads next to an automobile. They were hunting near Eagle, Colorado.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Showing the catch after hunting outside of Eagle, Colorado. From left to right: Joe Allen, Bill Luby, Les Randall, Holly Brooks. They are posing with deer heads in front of an automobile.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Hunters in line
"Colorado's big game season has been postponed a week, and ... will open Oct. 24 on the Western Slope and run thru Nov. 9. Postponement was at the request of federal and state land use agencies, who state the fire hazard is more acute this year than last year, and at an extremely high point." -- Eagle Valley Enterprise Oct. 8, 1953 p.1
The line of hunters trying to get elk licenses validated stretched for quite a way in front of the Eagle County Courthouse on Oct. 22, 1953. "Before the flurry was over, residents and hunters alike, were fuming over a State Game and Fish commission's directive that made it necessary for 200 men to bed down in the courthouse square for 15 hours, in order to try his luck at getting the precious mark of approval on his license. ... Extreme feeling was expressed at every turn over the Game Department's first-come, first-serve method of validations. Almost to a man, the general opinion was that a drawing for validations would have prevented the confusion, disappointments and unnecessary camping in line to get a chance at a cow elk." -- Eagle Valley Enterprise Oct. 22, 1953 p.1