Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Interstate 70 access road
"Access road to Interchange I-70. Both through the old farm at Edwards."
Interstate 70 road consturction
"Road construction north of R.R. Nov.-1969."
Interstate 70 road consturction
"The overpass taken from the yard."
Interstate 70 road consturction
"Cement pillars and abutments for over pass across R.R. Just east of the old home."
Interstate 70 road consturction
"The overpass just east of the house."
Interstate 70 road consturction
"The overpass." Part of the Interstate-70 project near Edwards.
Interstate 70 road consturction
A crane places a steel beam in place for an overpass for the larger Interstate-70 project.
Interstate 70 road consturction
"Moving the crane to work on overpass" as part of the Interstate-70 construction project.
Interstate 70, Vail Pass
A view of Interstate 70 as it crosses over Vail Pass. From the verso, "Vail Pass crosses the Gore Ranges at an elevation of 10,603 ft. between Vail and Dillon Reservoir."
