The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Jimmy Phillips
Jimmy Phillips, standing next to airplane.
On verso: "Isn't this disheartening. This is me after we made three tries at Hanksville Field and couldn't land because of the wind."
Jo Ann Morgan Randall
Studio photograph of Jo Ann Morgan (Randall), senior class photo, Eagle High School, 1949 (Lux Aquilae). "Jo Ann "was born Feb. 12, 1932, in Hastings, Neb., the daughter of M. H. (Dick) and Mary Ann Morgan. The family moved to Eagle in the 1940s, where they owned and operated the Eagle Valley Telephone Company for many years. Jo Ann Randall was a graduate of Eagle High School. She married Eagle resident K. Wayne Randall on Feb. 3, 1951. Jo Ann worked for many years at the telephone company; and also worked as a receptionist in Dr. Fedrizzi's dental office in Eagle." [Eagle Valley Enterprise Dec. 10, 1998] She died Dec. 4, 1998.
Jo Shryack
Jo Shryack (front) and an unidentified woman stand for a picture on the front porch of a house in Glenwood Springs.