Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Joel Fitzgerald in Milling Department
Joel Fitzgerald, shop foreman, boring a bearing for an electric motor which operates Marcy Mill in the Milling Department., Byron Stanley Collection
Joel James Fitzgerald III
Joel James Fitzgerald III, standing on a framer's pole at Warren's mill, near Cole Creek, up Shrine Pass, Forest Service Rd. no. 709. The kiln in the background was used to make charcoal for the smelters in Leadville. Joel was the son of Loryne Fitzgerald, a teacher at Red Cliff Union High School. They lived next door to the Beck family in Red Cliff.
Johanna Fear
Johanna Fear, wearing a head scarf and coat, stands in the snow. Johanna was the mother of Angela Fear Beck. Esther Gleiforst's home is in the background.
John & his buck
October 1956: John Gabelman poses with the day's kill: a large buck. He is in front of the Bent House in Triangle Park at Fulford, Colorado.
John Ambos sawmill
"In February of 1933 there was no snow at the John Ambos sawmill on the east rim of Rock Creek Canyon and very little anywhere in the McCoy area, for that matter. But a year later, there was plenty of it. The A frame just to the right of the mill shed, supports a heavy aerial cable that Frank Haddon had stretched across the canyon for a log hoisting operation in 1930 which was a dismal failure." -- McCoy Memoirs, p.245 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
John Antonio Carreon
Marker for John Antonio Carreon, 1888-1946, Greenwood Cemetery.
