Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Klatt Family home
"The old home in Edwards - Summer of 1972. I loved every flower that bloomed."
Klatt Family home
"Heavy equipment working in field" near the Klatt residence.
Klatt Family home
The Klatt Family home in the summer of 1969.
Klatt Family home
"Heavy equipment working in field. Black Beauty and Buttons in what is left of a fertile field," on the left.
Klatt Family home
"Taken from East of Edwards Service Station and looking toward home. Highway 70 had moved in."
Klatt Family home
"The old home in Edwards - Summer of 1972."
Klatt Family home
"Humming bird at the feeder - 1972."
Klatt Family home
"The old home in Edwards - Summer of 1972."
Klatt barn
"Back of barn. [Interstate-70] Overpass upper right."
