Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Lena & Her 4-H Chickens
Lena Sansoti (Yost) poses with her 4H chickens in 1939. Lena would marry George Yost on December 4, 1946 in Eagle.
Leo & Nephew
Leo Daugherty and his nephew, dated 1913. His nephew is riding a tricycle on the porch of a home.
Leo Carey
"Leo Carey buried alive at Castle ROck Lookout under rocks. That was a special day. I left Eagle fall of 1916 and was in [?]. This was my 1st time back home." - Alda Borah.
Leo Cartwright
Leo Cartwright drives a Ford Model T along a narrow road on the way to Carbondale. "Remember the ride over mts looking fir a stalled car, all night trip to Carbondale, Colo." -- Alda Borah
Leo Daugherty
"Leo Daugherty and a shock of grain, Eagle Colo. 1915" - Alda Borah
Leo Daugherty, Mildred Nutt, and Alda Borah
From left to right: Leo Daugherty, Mildred Nutt, and Alda Borah prepare to go on a horseback ride, possibly near Eagle or Gypsum.
