Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Looking down West Brush Creek
"Looking down West Brush Creek" in March of 1948.
Looking west over Rock Creek
"Looking west over Rock Creek, October 1959."
Lookout Station on Castle Peak
Another group shot from the Castle Peak Lookout Station. Each person is numbered as follows: 1- Mr. Mayer; 2- Earl Carey; 3- Miss Fleming; 4- William Long; 5- Dorothy Shryack; 6- Mrs. Dickinson; 7- Alda Borah; 8- Beulah Buchholz; 9- Leo Carey; 10- Marian Mayer; 11- Mayme Long; 12- Miss Fleming; 13- Marion Dickerson; 14- Herman Stein; 15- Harry Woods; 16- Cecil Carey; 17- Mr. Dickinson.
Loren Arthur
Loren Arthur poses on the railroad tracks in Eagle, Colorado, in his World War I uniform. The photograph is dated July 4th, 1919 and his pressed, clean uniform suggests this may have been for a parade or other related event.
