The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Mine Safety Meeting, Gilman
Mine Safety Meeting ("Fundamentals of Accident Prevention for Supervisors") at the Gilman Mine. Participants are standing and seated around a table with a table sign: "United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines." Other signs visible say, "Think," and "Attitude."
Pictured, (l-r, standing) Bureau of Mines instructor, Vernon Andrews, Darrell Barnes, Bernard Schlegel, Jack Johnson, Harold Stienmier, Thomas Jeffries, (safety manager) Lee Hayes (Supt.) Frank Jones, Billy Helms, Leonard Turnbull, Ed Chockie, Elmer Gustafson, Lynn Kanakis, Russell Fox, Bill Palister and Clarence Smaller.
Seated (l-r), Bill Jenkins, Dave Joggerst, Trinidad Salazar, Jack Clark, Carl Thomas, Harold Helms and Ben Carreon.
Mine at Holy Cross City
A mine located in Holy Cross City. Taken in the 1890s.
Holy Cross City was a short-lived mining camp located in what is today the Holy Cross Wilderness. A mining camp in the Holy Cross Mining District, Holy Cross City reached a population of 300 between 1881 and 1883. There were reportedly two mills in operation at Holy Cross City, the Holy Cross Mill, and the Treasure Vault Mill. Both mills were connected by a two-and-a-half-mile long flume. The town was abandoned in the late-1880s, but was revived for a short period in the 1890s. Today, only a small number of buildings remain.