Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Miss Gumprech
Mrs. Gumprech, the home economics teacher at the McCoy High School. Her family were long-time ranchers. Written on the back: "Good luck to you, Koy. Your teacher, Miss Gumprech."
Miss Hale's 1st Grade
Ladonna Fair is pictured in the middle row, third from the right (not including Miss Hale). The class is pictured in the gymnasium of the Eagle School.
Mittie Alda Borah and Old Mag
Mittie Alda Borah sits atop "Old Mag." Alda was the daughter of Alfred and Mary Borah
