Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Nick Wilson
Nick Wilson, F.E. "Dick" and Susie Wells
Nieman's Gardens
Garden center and greenhouses in West Glenwood Springs. The garden center is still present under different ownership.
Nimon girls
"Mrs. Nogal's grandchildren, Jean and Mary Ruth Nimon in Eagle" - caption from Alda Borah.
Nims residence, Red Cliff
Two individuals sits in a small buggy outside the Nims residence in Red Cliff. John D. Nims ran the "Eagle County Blade," a local newspaper published in Red Cliff from 1897 to 1911.
Noel Duff in a Buick Roadster
Noel Duff sits in the driver seat of a 1910s model Buick Roadster.
Noel Duff with Cricket the horse
Noel Duff stands with Alda Borah's horse, Cricket, in 1914. "I bot [bought] Cricket from Chas Duff, Noel's father. I loaned this beautiful Cricket horse to our tenant's daughter, horse stepped in golfer hole and fell, sprained her ankle bone left her too lame to ride any more." -- Alda Borah
