Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Omar Howland
Photo postcard of Omar Howland in baseball uniform. Omar is standing on a bear rug in front of a studio backdrop, posed after a catch. "Omar Howland...was born at Winchester, Ohio, January 27, 1886, and came to Eagle in August 1909. He worked for many years on the Sherman Brothers rnach east of Eagle, now owned by Carl Lloyd of Chicago. An ardent sports fan, Mr. Howland played with the Eagle baseball when the community had the best team in its history, from 1912 to 1918. When he quit farming, Omar entered the employ of the New Jersey Zinco Co. at Gilman, then was later appointed custodian of the Eagle County Courthouse and a deputy under the late Sheriff W. M. Wilson. When Mr. Wilson retired in 1959, Mr. Howland retired with him. Since then, his health kept him from the active life to which he was accustomed." -- Eagle Valley Enterprise obituary, March 1, 1962 p.1
On Brush Creek
"Coming home from hunting trip on Brush Creek, Colorado" - from Alda Borah. Several men and horses, loaded down, weave their way along Brush Creek. Two men are sitting in front of the horse furthest to the left; two others are mounted.
On horseback
"Mr. MacKenzie, Uncle Jake (Borah), Mr. Hollingsworth" identified on back of photograph.
On horseback
From left to right: Mary Lou High, Trudy High, and Jody Horn. The girls are on horseback at the front of the V-11 Ranch gate. Mary Lou and Trudy were stepdaughters of Leonard Horn (Evelyn Horn is their mother).
On the Chambers Ranch
From left to right: Ladonna Fair, Kay Carter, Loren Chambers, Arlynn Anderson, Donna Louise Chambers, Glennora (Tiny) Carter, Maxine Chambers, Jody Chambers (Maxine's sister), Dorothy Carter, [unknown], Norling Anderson, Shirley Chambers, and Donald Chambers. Two dogs snuck into the picture as well.
On the Stoop
Donna Louise and Shirley Chambers stand behind Loren Chambers and Ladonna Fair.
