Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Preparing for a jump on Red Point
Leonard Horn prepares for one of his infamous jumps from cliff to cliff on Red Point in Eagle County. Horn was a known horseman and was the 1963 Colorado Cattleman's Stockman of the Year.
President Harry Truman campaigning for Adlai Stevenson, 1952
Former United States President Harry Truman speaks to a crowd from the back of the presidential railcar, "Ferdinand Magellan" while on a whistle stop tour in 1952. Truman was campaigning for Adlai Stevenson. This was taken during Truman's stop in Glenwood Springs in October of 1952. His daughter, Margaret Truman, accompanied him. A sign on the railcar reads, "Vote Stevenson and Sparkman." "Mrs. Smith Collection"
Presumed Shryack Family Photo, ca. 1925
From the Shryack Family Collection. This group photo is believed to be of the Shryack Family. Although, no specific members of the family have been identified in the photo, yet. If you have any information about the content of this item, please reach out to the EVLD Local History Librarian at history@evld.org or (970) 328-8800., Marked "542." Stamped "Runner Film CO. 1925 Kansas City, Mo." Developed on Kodak Velox Photographic Paper.
Primary Class Red Cliff School
Same as 1983.001.012 Second of three school buildings in Red Cliff. Class picture of primary room students outside the Red Cliff School on February 11, 1921. The eleven girls are seated in a row with eleven boys behind them. The teacher is standing behind the two rows of students. Icicles are hanging from the roof of the building. A sign on the school says, ”State of Colorado, Standard School, Approved Class.” Front row: 2d from left, Edith Dismant; 3rd from left, Carol Burbank; 4th, Doris Howard; 5th, Ruth Blake; 6th, Helen McLeod; 7th, Pearl Dump (Mize...lives in Salida 1986). Back row: 3rd from left, Clarence Dump, Delta Kappa Gamma school scrapbook courtesy of Pearl Henderson
Professor A. C. Johnson
Professor A. C. Johnson stands for a picture near the Eagle County High School in Gypsum. "One of the nicest Profs I ever had. I enjoyed his calling on us in Phoenix when he came down, investigation of a job in school here. We moved from 621 N. 5th St, he never came to 1154 E. Culver. He lost track of us." -- Alda Borah
Profile of a Young Woman Postcard, 1913
This postcard, featuring the profile of a young woman, was addressed to Dorothy Shryack by someone named Victor on January 13, 1913 from Grand Junction, Colorado.
