Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Red Cliff
Train rolling through Red Cliff at midfield. Photo taken looking southwest with the Red Cliff bridge [U.S. Highway 24] at far right. Printed September 16, 1942.
Red Cliff
Houses in Red Cliff in the 1930s. The Fleming Lumber Company is the white roof at midfield. The railroad tracks and walkover are above the Lumber Company.
Red Cliff
A photocopy of a postcard of Red Cliff. The caption on the reverse of the copy states that the Quartzite Hotel, Tippet house, Rockwood house, and the Stariha? house are all visible.
Red Cliff 4-H Club
Red Cliff 4-H projects for the Eagle County Fair on display after the fair. The location is Henderson's Store in Red Cliff, with Pearl and Ralph Henderson in the foreground. Sandy Rose's Unit 1 gathered skirt is the pink skirt with the blue ribbon.
Red Cliff 4-H Club
The Red Cliff 4-H Club participants marching in the Eagle Flight Days parade going north along Broadway in front of the old high school and the cafeteria where the county 4-H demonstrations were often held. Sandy Albert Rose and SHeila Warren are holding the ends of the banner. Robin Albert and Geneva Sandoval are at the very back.
Red Cliff Bridge
A postcard of the Red Cliff Bridge, taken sometime after its opening and dedication in 1941. Verso of postcard reads: "High bridge over Eagle River Cañon at Red Cliff - Battle Mountain Highway (U.S. 24), Colorado."
