The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.
Red Cliff High School Band
Red Cliff High School band (1940 or 1941), lined up outside the high school.
Back row: Betty Paquette, Janice Keating, Bill May, Marcia Barlow, Shirley Erlandson, Buster Beck, Tom Garnett, Alfred Mann, Ray Tippett, Roy Marfitano, Earl Bridges, Henry Avila, Mike Montoya, Beth Haynes, Oliver Lopez, Dorthea Elliott, Dorthy Chockie, Grace Kennel
Middle row: Josephine Gonzales, Finney Lopez, _____, _____, _____, Ella Warren, Alfreda Mann, Chuck Dump, Hugh Riley, Bruce Beck, _____, _____, Jackie Crowell, Sammy Avila, Emmett Flaherty, Joel Fitzgerald
Front row: Earline Paquette, Myra Squires, Esther Mae Garner, Frances Maloit, Ruth Miller, Paul Gusman, Bobby Perry, Quinn Beck, Helen Porter, Bill Brayton, Jerry Avila, Lottie Warren, Geneva Hickman, _____, Tony Gonzales, _____
Red Cliff High School Reunion
Members of the class of 1944 pose for a picture at the Red Cliff High School reunion in 1992. Their class had the highest number of attendees at the reunion. From left to right, Ella Warren Burnett, Charles 'Chuck' Dump, Esther Mae Garner Reed, Albert 'Quinn' Beck, Earline Paquette, and Ira Squires Barnett.
Red Cliff High School Reunion
Alumni gather at the Red Cliff High School reunion in 1992. From left to right: Reita McLeod Schodde, Sandra Schodde, Beth Squires.
Red Cliff High School Reunion
Alumni gather for the Red Cliff High School reunion in 1992. From left to right are David Warren, ?, and Beth Squires.
Red Cliff High School Reunion
Alumni gather at the Red Cliff High School reunion in 1992. On the fat left and looking at the camera is David Warren. Immediately to his right is Ray Warren. Bill Caruthers is standing with his back to the camera.