Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Red Cliff Reunion
June (Frey) Britz and Rosabell Cordova stand behind their husbands (Aloysius Britz) at a reunion for Red Cliff Union High School held in July of 1977. June and Rosabell attended school together in Red Cliff, Colorado. The classes of students who graduated from RCUHS were so small that often the events included anyone from a particular decade or an open invitation.
Red Cliff Reunion
Peggy Morrison, center, and Mae Erlandson, at right. Both were teachers at Red Cliff Union High School.,
Red Cliff Reunion
Tom Reed is pictured in a white hat next to Eleanor Williams Beck at the Red Cliff Union High School Reunion in 1977.
Red Cliff Reunion 1977
A photograph of attendees, from left to right, Mrs. Owens, Jesse & Joyce Myers, at the Red Cliff Union High School reunion in July of 1977.
Red Cliff School Bus
The Red Cliff school bus. On the side reads "Copper Range Bus Company".
