Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Rock Creek Stage Stop
"Gates ranch and stage stop on Rock Creek, between the Gore and Toponas, CO. L-R--J.P. Gate, and his wife "Katie," with sons Clark and Bert Gates. Other people unknown." -- The Gates Genealogy A bicycle is leaning against the fence.
Rock Creek Stage Stop
A photo of the Rock Creek stage stop in 2000, prior to restoration. Historic Routt County! partnered with the Colorado State Historical Fund, Colorado Preservation Inc., U.S. Forest Service, and the Department of Wildlife to replace, repair and stabilize the logs as well as chinking the exterior. The work was completed in 2003 and the ribbon cutting ceremony was held August 30, 2003. The Gates Family was a part of this partnership, as well.
Rock Creek Stage Stop Ceremony
The ribbon cutting of the restored Rock Creek Stage Station on August 30, 2003. Jayne Hill of Historic Routt County! is at far left with Bud Gates, representing the Gates family, standing next to her. The new chinking on the exterior is clearly visible as are replacement framings.
Rock Creek near McCoy
Rock Creek near McCoy. The date is unknown. A barn can be seen on the right.
Rock Creek picnic, July 4, 1919
Enlargement of another photo of the Fourth of July Rock Creek picnic [1919]. In back: Lily, William and Bill Johannbroer, Ben and Kate Butler. Second row: Lillian Johannbroer, Mary Theisen, WIlliam and Katherine Hoff, Martin Theisen. In front: Kenneth Johannbroer, Helen and Roger Butler. Photo found in McCoy Memoirs, p.236. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Rock Fireplace
Rock fireplace with items on mantel. Fireplace screen propped on left wall, andirons visible. "Ullman" written in lower left corner (Ullman Ranch, then Harry Lewis, then Dan Rule, at the end of Rule Road north of Eagle). [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
