STRATA, the STudent Research, Academic, and Talent Archive, is a collection of selected Fort Lewis College student work, including undergraduate research, senior seminar papers, published works, conference presentations, and other creative and artistic projects. Search by name, subject, title, or academic department.
Why A Comes Before B: Applying an Anthropological Lens to Business and Understanding Cultural Influences in the Workplace
National and regional cultures can hinder or enhance a company and its productivity. This paper looks at how culture at the local, regional, and national level can influence business practices. Of special interest is how Durango's culture affects the corporate culture of Mercury Payment Systems and the symbiotic relationship that is formed. Building on critical ethnographic research that has been done at the national level, the investigator examines how local culture intersects, influences and even conflicts with the internal corporate culture of Mercury Payments Systems.
Why Is the Four Corners Region a "Hot Spot" for Human Infection with Hantavirus?
Sin Nombre virus (SNV) is a hantavirus hosted almost exclusively by deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) that causes high (~40%) mortality in humans. Transmission patterns of SNV in natural host populations are not well understood and, as such, represent a knowledge gap that has significant implications for human health. Since SNV's identification in the early 1990's, the Four Corners region of the southwestern United States has remained a "hotspot" for SNV infections in both deer mice and humans; however, the reason for this skewed geographic distribution of SNV remains unclear. Therefore, our objective was to observe regional patterns of SNV prevalence in deer mice along a latitudinal gradient in the Four Corners region and determine the extent to which prevalence is influenced by factors including deer mouse density, small mammal diversity, vegetation cover, plant moisture content, soil pH, and soil water content. Although we did not find a significant correlation between SNV prevalence and small mammal species diversity, SNV prevalence and deer mouse density were positively correlated. We found no relationship between soil pH and SNV prevalence; however, there was a strong negative correlation between SNV prevalence and soil water content. We also found strong positive correlations between SNV prevalence and total vegetation cover and between SNV prevalence and plant moisture content. Collectively, our results suggest that SNV prevalence is driven primarily by increased deer mouse densities and that deer mice are more likely to be associated with habitats that have higher plant moisture content, as well as greater total vegetation cover. Our results also indicate that, whereas soil pH is not a direct predictor of SNV prevalence, sites with dry soils at pH levels close to the optimal for SNV (6.9) that also contain high densities of deer mice may be hantavirus "hot spots".
Women in Jaipur
Photograph by Ewa Lichorowicz from Fall 2013 - Winter 2014 issue of Images
Wzientek - Consent Form
Consent form for "Determining the Basement Fault Structure of the Hogback Monocline in Northwest NM Using Fracture Patterns and Geomechanical Modeling" by Eric Wzientek
You Are What You Play: Video Games, Gender and Socialization
Video games are a popular form of entertainment for young Americans, and like other media, they influence as well as entertain their consumers. Investigation into video game play by Fort Lewis College (FLC) students reveals gendered differences in both the hours of video games played per week and preferences for video game genres. Males spend more hours playing video games and tend to favor first person shooter games like Call of Duty. Females spend fewer hours playing video games and tend to favor trivia games like Trivia Crash or arcade-style games like Candy Crush. This suggests that both genders experience different kinds of socialization as a result of their interactions with video games.