Yeast cells, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are microorganism essential for bread and beer production. Yeast cells have the capacity to utilize various pathways for the conversion of simple sugar molecules into CO2 and alcohol. Using metabolome-base research we characterized water soluble metabolites to characterize metabolites from S. cerevisiae using two different sugars dextrose and galactose. These metabolites were characterized by one-and two-dimensional NMR. We expect to see a difference in metabolome between yeast grown in galactose and those grown in dextrose. NMR will identify the small molecule metabolites and the YMDB database will assist us in identifying the frequency of their presence in the analyte. COSY-NMR is used to interpret correlation differences between functional groups in metabolite structures. 1H-NMR –based profiling identified the metabolites as products produced from S. cerevisiae organisms. The chemical-peak-shift values were integrated into a bioinformatics data base for metabolite-profiling analysis.