Race is a socially constructed concept born from colonialism and brought to life by the system of slavery and exploitation that followed. It is a concept that is slowly placed in our conscious mind filling us with confidence and self-consciousness in accordance with prevailing narratives about who we are and what we can be. At the moment of our birth we are un-aware that we are Black, White, Native, Mexican, or Asian. We are more preoccupied with the great mystery of our toes and our parent's ability to remove our noses and replace them using some form of dark magic. Race has been the "great organizer," giving a form to our hierarchical social structure and separating each other by space and emotion for as long as this nation has existed. The Sixties brought a revolution on how we thought about race. People of all colors took to the streets to establish a law that says that we cannot be discriminated against in social settings despite what color we may be. We even have a black president, and despite his failures, there would be no possibility for him to be there only thirty years ago.