There is no denying the fact that human population has grown quite substantially over the past few centuries. Food has steadily become less available, less nutritious, and has indirectly become the point source of a lot of environmental degradation. Fertilizers, pesticides, food packaging, and CO2 emissions from food transportation vehicles have polluted our air and water, continue to contribute to greenhouse gas accumulation, cause public health problems, and are costing business owners millions. This analysis shows the feasibility of restaurants using rooftop greenhouses in order to grow fresh produce on site, as well as many other countless benefits. The concept of an eco-friendly rooftop greenhouse is much more than just a food producing gold mine in the middle of an urban metropolis. It is a paradigm movement in which communities are drawn together, societies are educated, nutrition is plentiful and affordable, jobs are created, food miles and food waste are reduced, money is saved, excess heat and CO2 is captured, storm water is retained, as well as leaving the ecosystems we have left to thrive. Urban agriculture, specifically rooftop greenhouses, is designed to produce large yields of vegetables in a confined space. A roof the size of approximately 2000 square feet, equipped with a year-round rooftop greenhouse, and if managed efficiently, can potentially generate 20,000 pounds of fresh produce annually. A rooftop greenhouse will not only save money and energy by lowering the import of fresh foods, but also will also reduce the expense of export on food once it has served its purpose. This food waste, produced from operating a restaurant, can be transformed into a nutrient rich compost which can be returned to the greenhouse. There are so many positive aspects that come with investing in a rooftop greenhouse ranging from CO2 and heat capture, to creating jobs, and educating the public, that state governments have begun to offer incentives to support urban agriculture. This new agriculture movement that has started to unfold can change the agriculture system, but will need help from policymakers and business owners in order to provide a stable food future for upcoming generations.