My project and research this semester has been focused on the inequalities within capitalism that have led to struggles within the family, specifically in the United States. I wanted to explore what has happened in our culture that has led to there being a need for non-profits that provide a mentoring component for youth. Many kids are not getting the close adult interaction they need from home, and I wanted to show how capitalism has made it difficult for parents to give their children what they need. The commodity culture and income inequality inherent within capitalism has led to a strained home life, and a lot of non-profits have been started to help manage some of those struggles and give our young population much needed attention. I have worked closely with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado(BBBS) for the last two years, and this semester I was able to intern for them as well. From my internship and research I have learned a lot about the non-profit world and the history that has led us to where we are today. I researched the correlation of income as it relates to the family, and the percent of kids who are utilizing the social resources provided in our community. By working with BBBS I was able to see how important positive adult relationships are for children. My research shows that children with close positive adult relationships are less likely to use drugs and alcohol early on, less likely to drop out of school, and less likely to be violent. There are many benefits to mentoring. Young people that engage in one to one mentoring relationships have a higher self-esteem, more educational success, and closer relationships with their families and communities. I have also been able to create a brochure offering information about mentoring/youth services in our own community. The brochure is organized by price, similar to a dining guide. My experience this semester has been extremely fulfilling, and I was able to get a job through my internship. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado has hired me as their Community Program Specialist and I start full time once this semester is over.