Several years ago my grandmother gave my father an old picture of several children and an older gentleman posed in front of a building. Looking at the photo, many questions raced through my mind. Upon the first round of informal questioning about the picture I realized that the photo was taken in front of an old one-room schoolhouse in the Walnut Creek area northwest of Prescott, Arizona. What makes this photo significant to my family and myself is that three of the students, Minnie, Asa, and Orville Bozarth in the photo, were my great great aunt and uncles. Further questioning about the school led me to the realization that very little was known about the school, its significance, and where it once stood. The goal of my research is to bridge the historic cultural significance of this schoolhouse on the landscape to people who are tied in a contemporary context to the area through memories of its archaeological past. To accomplish this, a multi component research design has been pursued utilizing interviews of key informants, archival data collection, and archeo-geophysical testing.