Volume 6: Other Southwest Colorado Areas

From Montrose to Cortez to Pagosa Springs, southwest Colorado includes many towns with interesting history, significant natural and cultural resources, and other facets that have been pictured on postcards.


Chimney Rock - from the Pagosa Springs - Durango highway (Colo.)
Black and white high exposure photographic print image of a valley road. Fenced fields and tree groves surround the road; a geological rock formation in background.
Chimney Rock between Pagosa Springs and Durango, Colo.
A sepia postcard of a road that is surrounded by trees and bushes on both sides. In the background, Chimney Rock can be seen.
Chimney Rock located on the Ute Indian Reservation in Colorado, just off Highway 666
A sepia postcard of Chimney Rock with some clouds in the background.
Chimney Rock on Highway U. S. 160 between Pagosa Springs and Durango, Colo.
Black and white photo print image of trees in foreground and geological rock outcroppings that surmount a mountain peak.
Chimney Rock on Hwy. U.S. 10 in the San Juan Basin (Colo.)
Black and white photo print image of trees in foreground with mountain rise to rock formation at peak.
Chimney Rock, Pagosa Springs, Colo.
A color postcard of Chimney Rock, Colorado. There are some clouds in the sky that can be seen behind it.
Cliff dwellings (Manitou, Colo.)
Color lithograph photo print image of line of cliff dwellings with rock strata above them. The last fully visible structure has a round hole through which some of the inside walls and structures can be seen. People are walking in and around the site. Two carriages drawn by horses wait in the foreground.
Cliff in Fruit Canon, Rimrock Drive, Colo. Nat'l Mon.
Black and white photo print image of a deep and rock lined ravine A road extends and wraps around the cliff edges. An unidentifiable carriage or vehicle is at center in far distance.
Colorado Columbine
A color painting of a columbine flower and leaf on a green background.
Colorado Columbine Girl
A color postcard of four columbine flowers making an arch. Under the arch there is a circle frame that also has columbines around it and then the face of a girl with columbines in her hair.
Colorado Columbine, Grand Mesa, Colo.
A black and white postcard of columbines.
Colorado Railroad Museum (Golden, Colo.)
A steam engine, trimmed in yellow with lettering on coal-cart and cab: "DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN", "318".
