
Collection for organization entities.


St. Matthew's Episcopal Church (Grand Junction, Colorado)
Part of the Anglican Community of churches that recognize the Archbishop of Canterbury (aka the head of the Church of England) as the prime spiritual leader and are guided by bishops who oversee regional groups of congregations called dioceses. According to oral history interviewee Harriet “Muzz” Johnson, whose uncle Charles William Lyon was an early pastor, the church began its life as a mission and remained so for some time in the early Twentieth century, because it needed a certain number of communicants to become a full-fledged parish. After becoming a parish, the missionaries were referred to as rectors. The church’s original location was at 4th Street and White Avenue. Sometime after becoming a parish, the congregation expanded and the old church building became dilapidated. Under Father King and Father Havlisten, the church chose a new location at 1050 North Avenue, built in 1949. The new location quickly became overcrowded, but the church stayed there for 50 years, moving into its current location at 3888 27 ½ Road in 2001.
Standard Chemical Company (Uravan, Colorado)
A company founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which produced radium by mining carnotite ores primarily from Paradox Valley, Colorado and then transferring them to Uravan and all the way to a mill in Pittsburgh. It was established in 1911 and then dissolved in 1933 after all its assets had been liquidated. *Information taken from A Brief History of Standard Chemical Company by Joel O. Lubenau, CHP
Standard Oil (United States)
An oil company founded by John D. Rockefeller in 1870. It held 24,000 acres of patented land containing oil shale near De Beque, Colorado. In 1931, they sold the land for $5 an acre. The company was dissolved by court decision in 1911.
Standard Oil of Ohio (United States)
The Standard Oil Company (Ohio) was an American oil company, a successor of the original company established in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller. It was established as "Standard Oil Company of Ohio" as one of the separate entities created after the 1911 breakup. In the 1960s, Standard Oil of Ohio partnered with British Petroleum, in the development of the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska petroleum reserves and the construction of the Trans Alaska pipeline. The complex partnership called for a gradual stock acquisition until British Petroleum would eventually gain controlling interest culminating in total acquisition of the American company. The company ceased operations in 1987, although BP continued to sell gasoline under the 'Sohio' brand until 1991. From Wikipedia: In Western Colorado, Sohio was one of seventeen oil companies that invested $500,000 in Paraho's research and development to commercialize oil shale technology at the Anvil Points Research Facility, near Rifle.
Star Lighters orchestra (Grand Junction, Colorado)
An orchestra, based in Grand Junction, that played shows in town and around the Western Slope. John Goulet played piano for the orchestra in the 1960’s, and reports that they toured surrounding towns in 1966, including towns in Eagle County. People in the audience would dance to their music. Daily Sentinel newspaper (Grand
