
Collection for organization entities.


Freeway Donna
Freeway Donna is a two piece guitar and drums duo, from Grand Junction, CO, playing twanging am radio rock. Vocalist and guitarist Talya Dewey and drummer Andrew Watson formed the band in the Fall of 2017. Click on More Info to stream their video recordings.
French Army
The land-based component of the French Armed Forces which had 8,300,000 soldiers total during WWI with 300,000 being from colonies like Senegal.
Friendly Service Circle of the Congregational Church
A national organization that helped donate to hospitals.
Frontier Belles (Mesa County, Colorado)
A group founded in 1958 by Marie (Becker) Young and others who enjoyed side-saddle riding. They performed in rodeos.
Fruita Band (Fruita, Colorado)
A musical band that played at local events in Fruita; with Charles Nichols and Irving Beard as two of the members.
Fruita Canal and Land Company (Mesa County, Colorado)
It was started by the Kiefer Brothers, with a capital stock of $100,000. It was the overseeing company for the construction of the Kiefer Extension Ditch to the Grand Valley Canal. The ditch, built from 1894 to 1898, brought irrigation water to the Loma and Mack areas in western Mesa County. Frank Kiefer served as president, Ben Kiefer as secretary and treasurer, and Bernard Hughes as vice president. The company was also involved in bringing Russian farmers to the area to help grow sugar beets. In turn, this helped the success of the sugar beet factory in Grand Junction.
Fruita Church of the Brethren
Built in 1904, located on Maple Street and Pabor Avenue (Fruita by Denise and Steve Hight, 83). According to Paul Elden Henry, who attended the church as a child, the minister in the 1920’s and 1930’s was R.M. Leatherman. The church performed missionary work, including to outlying areas such as Glade Park.
Fruita Congregational Church (Fruita, Colorado)
One of many Congregational Churches that were established on the Western Slope in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries. According to local historian David Sundal, the church folded, at least for a time, during the Great Depression because of a lack of congregants. As of 1980, at least, it had been renamed the Fruita Pentecostal Church.
Fruita Rotary Club (Fruita, Colorado)
The organization was founded in 1936. Philip Griebel was a founding member. According to Griebel, the Fruita Rotary assisted with youth agricultural and 4-H events. By 2015, they provided food to those in need and youth scholarships (“Fruita Rotary Club provides valuable services to Fruita, including beer pouring,” Post Independent, September 1, 2015). The club continues to be active in the Fruita community.
Fruita Rotary Club (Fruita, Colorado)
The organization was founded in 1936. Philip Griebel was a founding member. According to Griebel, the Fruita Rotary assisted with youth agricultural and 4-H events. By 2015, they provided food to those in need and youth scholarships (“Fruita Rotary Club provides valuable services to Fruita, including beer pouring,” Post Independent, September 1, 2015). The club continues to be active in the Fruita community.
