
Collection for organization entities.


Biology, Department of, Fort Lewis College
Department of Biology at Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.
Black Citizens and Friends (Grand Junction, Colorado)
An organization of African-American citizens and their allies established by David Combs, A.J. Murray and others around 1982. Combs and his co-founders saw a need for an organization that advocated for black people in the area. The group created a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration at the Handy Chapel that has become very popular, and is now a county-wide event. They hold events for Black History Month and partner with Mesa County School District 51 and Colorado Mesa University in various educational programs. They also now partner with Right and Wrong for an annual Juneteenth Day celebration. They have played an active role in Black Lives Matter protests, and are currently partnered with Mesa County Libraries in the creation of a Social Justice Archive to document those protests and the lives of participants. Each year they honor a local educator with the Josephine Taylor Dickey Teacher Appreciation Award.
Black Student Alliance (Colorado Mesa University)
A community and advocacy organization for African-American students on the Colorado Mesa University campus.
Blevins-Denning Lumber (Mesa County, Colorado)
A lumber company owned in part by Willis "W.L." Blevins. They had lumber yards on North Avenue in Grand Junction, Colorado and in Moab, Utah.
