David Sundal discusses in great detail the life of famous author Dalton Trumbo of Grand Junction, Colorado, based in large part on Sundal’s conversations with the author. Sundal describes the local community’s relationships with Trumbo, reactions to Trumbo’s book Eclipse, portrayals of prominent businessman William Moyer and Daily Sentinel editor Walter Walker in the book, and Trumbo’s life and career after leaving Mesa County. He talks about Trumbo’s play The Biggest Thief in Town, and the possible lampooning of Martin Mortuary in the play. He speaks about Trumbo’s leftist politics, his testimony before the US House Un-American Activities Committee, his time in prison, and his time as a blacklisted writer in Hollywood. Sundal also shares information about successful individuals who grew up in or passed through Mesa County during Trumbo’s youth. The interview was conducted by the Mesa County Oral History Project, a collaboration of Mesa County Libraries and the Museums of Western Colorado.