Interview with Sterling Price Bittle, Velda Lorraine (Kelly) Bittle, and Marie (Dunston) Bittle
Sterling, Velda and Marie Bittle talk about their lives in Loma, Colorado and the surrounding area. Marie talks about coming to Loma from Kansas when her parents homestead in eastern Utah in 1923, and about running a dairy farm in the 1940’s and 50’s. Price Bittle talks about coming to Loma in 1920 with his parents, helping them farm north of town, working as a ranch foreman in Kannah Creek for E.H. Munro, and working for the Elizondo sheep ranching outfit. Velda Bittle speaks about her involvement with the Loma Presbyterian Church and the history of the church. They speak about people getting their drinking water from the Highline Canal, cutting ice from the Colorado River, and washing clothes on a board before gas and electric washing machines. The interview was conducted by the Mesa County Oral History Project, a collaboration of Mesa County Libraries and the Museums of Western Colorado.