Second Interview with Anna Gertrude (Barker) Foster
Anna Foster talks about teaching at the Mesa School, beginning in 1908. She remembers some of the teachers and students at the school, and going sledding with them for fun. She speaks about the role of the Mesa’s Methodist church in providing community for people of all Christian faiths. She describes stagecoaches that delivered between towns, traveling the old Hogback Road from Palisade, and the building of the Plateau Canyon Road. She recalls early attempts at growing fruit near the town of Mesa, including her husband’s apple orchard, and she tells about packing peaches in Palisade. She talks about the many rural schools in the area, including the Egalite School and the Mormon Mesa School. She remembers camping in the summer with Roy and Ida Sisac and others. The interview was conducted by the Mesa County Oral History Project, a collaboration of Mesa County Libraries and the Museums of Western Colorado.