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Interviews with Fred Ames and Emma Lillian (Stocks) Ames
In an interview recorded November 8, 1977, Fred Ames and his wife Emma Lillian (Stocks) Ames discuss the history of Sinbad Valley and its settlement by his family and others.
In second and third interviews recorded on November 15 and December 3, 1977 (transcript only*), Fred Ames talks about the McCarty Gang, their stomping grounds in Sinbad Valley and nearby Eastern Utah, and about meeting Tom McCarty as a child. He discusses homesteading and the difficulties of bringing horse drawn wagons into Sinbad Valley when his parents first arrived in the area. He and Emma Ames also talk about local people, buildings, and trails and roads, such as the Crack Trail and the Rimrock Trail. The interview was conducted by the Mesa County Oral History Project, a collaboration of Mesa County Libraries and the Museums of Western Colorado.
*Includes a sound recording and transcript for Oral History Interview 2, conducted on Nov. 8, 1975. Includes transcript only for interviews on November 15, 1975 and December 3, 1975 (During digitization, the cassette for Interview 4 was found to contain the same recording as the cassette for Interview 2).