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Caleb Ferganchick describes what slam poetry means to him. He addresses the intersection of performance poetry with his self-identification as a rural queer poet. He talks about his writing practice, his need to carve out time to write on a regular basis, and about momentary inspiration as a fuel in the creative process. He speaks about the importance of poetry and art in the creation of community for marginalized people, the role of his poetry in creating space for marginalized readers, and his use of anger in performance poetry as a communication tool. He discusses his poetry’s exploration of mental illness and the place of people struggling with such conditions in slam poetry. He talks about his desire for a more consistent slam poetry scene in Mesa County and his use of the 970West Artist in Residence space to prepare for Slamming Bricks, an annual poetry slam competition that he hosts in Grand Junction. He muses about his growing feeling of legitimacy as a poet and his desire to move onto new topics in his poetry. He describes the humility involved in writing, reading, and growing as a poet.