The First National Bank in Salida, Colorado was located at 201 F Street.
This building, erected in 1895, housed a fraternal hall of the Knights of Pythias on the second story and the First National Bank on the first story. The building was referred to as the Jones Block in early city directories, presumably after one of the founders of the First National Bank, E.B. Jones.
In 1889 the Salida News reported that the First National Bank would open in January 1890. The bank was the successor of the Continental Divide Bank. L.W. and D.H. Craig, operators of a pioneer dry goods firm in Salida, started the private Continental Divide Bank, in 1885. They incorporated as the First National Bank in the latter part of 1889. Stockholders were among the most prominent businessmen in the community. Officers and directors included: L.W. Craig, president; E.B. Jones, vice president; Frank 0. Stead, cashier; and L.W. Craig, E.B. Jones, J.G. Hollenbeck, E.R. Naylor, B.H. DeRemer, A.M. Alger, and J.B. Bowne, directors. In 1894 D.H. Craig became a director and in 1895 cashier, a position he continued to hold for many years. By 1900, the bank was called "without question Chaffee county's leading financial institution."
This image is from the Salida Museum Negatives Collection.