Bob Rush, prominent Salida attorney, had a large collection of framed photographs that adorned his office. He graciously donated his collection to the Salida Library.
Bateman Hardware
Bateman Hardware was located at 119 F Street in Salida, Colorado.
Bob Rush Collection.
Bert & Tom's Modern Cottages
Bert and Tom's Modern Cottages: Serving Station and Cottage Camp was located on the corner of Highway 291 and Highway 50 on the eastern edge of Salida.
Bob Rush Collection.
Bird's Eye View of Salida
A view of Salida, Colorado taken from the Arkansas Hills. Denver & Rio Grande Cattle Lots are visible, as is the Edison Electric Light Company smoke stacks.
Bob Rush Collection.
Brick Making in Salida
Major fires, two years apart spurred Salidans into a spate of brick construction that eventually saved the town from more devastating damage. A couple of brick yards were in operation before the 1886 fire, but within a year after the 1888 conflagration, there were at least four in production. Clay, sand and water are stirred into a stiff mud before it is packed into molds. It was repetitive, back-wrenching work, but it was lucrative for many years.
Bob Rush Collection.
Central Block Building at 1st and F in Salida
The Central Block building which was located on the southwest corner of 1st and F Streets in Salida, Colorado.
'Another important building, completed on the opposite corner of First Street at 102-24 F
Street, apparently incorporated sections of buildings that survived the fire. Known as the
Corbin Building or the Central Block, the building was erected by E.W. Corbin, William E.
Robertson, and W.W. Roller. On 17 December 1886, the Salida Semi-Weekly Mail reported,
“Work is still being pushed on the new Central block and already the brick work is finished.”
The Leadville Herald Democrat described the building as an important feature of Downtown
Salida: “While the effects of a large fire are injurious to a town, in Salida it has proved
beneficial, for instead of cheap frame houses, substantial bricks have been constructed in the
burned district...[The Central Block] is two stories in height, all brick with marble
trimmings, window sills, cable and keystones over the windows, door steps and water tables,
with galvanized iron cornices. The lower story is divided into six store rooms, iron and plate
glass fronts.” The men who constructed the building were among the most prominent of Salida’s pioneer businessmen. The stores that occupied the building were among the most
successful commercial operations of the early days. Ben Disman & Co. Clothing, which
offered clothes, men’s furnishings, and shoes, advertised as “Ben Disman on the corner, the
home of good clothing.” Next door James M. Collins had a saloon selling wines, liquors, and
cigars. Smith & Randol Brothers operated a dry goods business, as did Craig, Sandusky &
Company. Harbottle & Company, whose space also contained the post office, offered
stationery items. The upstairs was operated as a hotel in 1886.'
from the
Final Report.
Bob Rush Collection.
Chaffee County Honor Roll Board
The Chaffee County Honor Roll was established in 1942, on the northeast corner of F and 2nd Streets in Salida, Colorado. Names of over 600 veterans were added in 1947. In 1964, the building was coated in stucco to protect the building and the names.
In 2015, American Legion historian and veteran Dan Johnson, spearheaded the movement to uncover the stucco, restore the wall, and repaint the names of every Chaffee County veteran of that time. On July 4, 2016, the Chaffee County Honor Roll was rededicated.
Bob Rush Collection