Bob Rush Collection

Bob Rush, prominent Salida attorney, had a large collection of framed photographs that adorned his office. He graciously donated his collection to the Salida Library.


Duck Hunters
A photograph of an unknown group of men and one boy with their day's harvest of ducks. Bob Rush Collection.
First National Bank
The First National Bank was located on the corner of F and 2nd Streets in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
First National Bank in Salida, Colorado
First National Bank on the southwest corner of 2nd and F Streets in Salida, Colorado. First National Bank was previously in the building directly across the street, on the southeast corner of 2nd and F Streets. Bob Rush Collection.
Frantzhurst Trout Farm
The Frantzhurst Rainbow Trout Farm, 1928. Horace Frantz Sr. and Genevieve Frantz pictured at top with Horace’s sister. Horace is pictured sitting on the lap of a man in the front row on the left. Also pictured is Kai the St. Bernard. In addition to trout the Frantz’s raised silver foxes. Bob Rush Collection.
Funeral Procession on F Street
A group of women lead a procession of what looks to be a funeral train on F Street in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Girls Drum Corps at Alpine Park
The Girls Drum Corps, a division of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post #37, at Alpine Park, 1911. Bob Rush Collection.
Golden Gate Tavern
At the Golden Gate Tavern, 132 W. 1st Street, in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Gotthelf & Mayer Building in Saguache
Group standing in front of the Gotthelf and Mayer building, 301 4th Street, in Saguache, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center
The Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center was located at 448 E. 1st Street. It was the previous location of the Denver & Rio Grande Hospital, and is the present location of the Touber Building, which houses multiple city agencies. Bob Rush Collection.
Horse-Drawn Water Delivery
Horse-drawn water delivery in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Ideal Cleaning Parlors
The Ideal Cleaning Parlors, a dry cleaning and laundry business owned by Robert E. Parkinson, was located at 117 W. 2nd St. This building has since been torn down. Bob Rush Collection.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Parade on F Street
An I.O.O.F. Parade taken at 3rd and F Streets in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
