Bob Rush Collection

Bob Rush, prominent Salida attorney, had a large collection of framed photographs that adorned his office. He graciously donated his collection to the Salida Library.


Salida Band on 1st Street
Salida Band marching on 1st Street between F and G Streets. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Bottling Company
The Salida Bottling Company, wholesale liquor dealer, was located at 309 W. 1st Street. W.S. Edwards was the proprietor. Note the Coors Beer Wagon in front. This lot is empty as of 2016. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Fire Department Parade Float
The Salida Fire Department with a decked out ladder truck, ready to participate in one of Salida's many early day parades. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Firefighters with Dogs
Two of Salida's Bravest with a dog and her litter of pups. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Granite Company
The Salida Granite Company was located at 350 W. 5th St. in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida High School Band
A photograph of the Salida High School Band in the Salida High School Gymnasium in the mid 1930s. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Lumber Company
The Salida Lumber Company was located at 200 G Street, present location of Safeway in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Regional Library
A photograph of the Salida Regional Library, taken prior to the 1997 addition. Bob Rush Collection.
Salida Trading and Wrecking Company
The Salida Wrecking Company was located at 236 W. 3rd St. in Salida, Colorado. Owned and operated by Leslie and Emmett Shewalter. Bob Rush Collection.
Saloon on 1st Street
An unknown saloon on 1st Street in Salida, Colorado. Bob Rush Collection.
The Leonora 5 Cent to $1 Store
The Leonora 5 cent to $1 Store was active in the 1930s. It was located at 132 F Street. Bob Rush Collection.
The Salida Band
The Salida Band at the pavilion at Alpine Park. Bob Rush Collection.
